Safe use of air rifles.
• This air gun will shoot if cocked, loaded, safety disengaged and trigger pulled.
• Air guns are not toys. Never let young children use an air gun unsupervised. Adult supervision is strictly
required during use. Misuse or careless use may cause serious injury or death.
• Learn how your air gun operates and safe gun handling procedures before loading and using it.
do so may result in eye injuiries and permanent hearing loss.
• Do not point at anything you do not intend to shoot even though the gun is unloaded. Always keep the gun
pointed in a safe direction.
• Never pull a gun toward you by the muzzle.
• Always aim at a safe target, taking care that it does not conceal any other object.
• Before you shoot, consider where the pellet will travel should you miss your intended target, thus ensuring
no damage or harm could result.
• Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger. Never shoot at sounds.
• When shooting, always have a safe shooting range, that is; have a safe area for shooting, a safe distance
between you and the target, and a safe backstop to trap the pellets and hold the target.
• Do not shoot at a target, which allows ricochets or deflections.
• Do not shoot into or at water.
• Do not shoot at or near powerlines or insulators. Be especially careful in wooded areas where powerlines
may not be as visible.
• Do not load the air gun until you are ready to shoot.
• Always keep your fingers away from the trigger & muzzle during cocking and handling.
• Do not walk, run or jump when carrying a loaded or cocked air gun. A loaded or a cocked air gun should
never be carried inside a vehicle, house, camp or public place. Never climb a tree or fence or jump a ditch
with a loaded air gun. In such a case, first unload it and hand the gun to a friend or place it on the ground
on the other side of the obstacle before crossing yourself.
• When transporting the air gun, keep it unloaded and ‘on safe’.
• Always keep the air gun ‘on safe’ until you are ready to shoot even if the air gun is unloaded.
• Do not put the air gun away loaded and unattended.
• Always check to see if the air gun is ‘on safe’ and unloaded when getting it from another person or from
• Keep the air gun and pellets in separate places, better if under lock and key.
• Do not attempt to disassemble or tamper with your air gun. Use a competent gunsmith. Many air guns
contain powerful springs which can cause serious injury if released in an uncontrolled manner.
• Always handle and treat your air gun as though it were loaded.
• Improper use or handling of air guns is not the responsibility of the manufacturer or distributor, under any
circumstances. The user is responsible for any harm, which may be caused.
• Think first, shoot second.
• Don’t rely on any mechanical safety. Half safe is not safe.
• Be safe not sorry.
• Respect other’s property.
• Air guns should never be used under the influences of alcohol or drugs.
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