Articles about airguns

Reviews on various topics about airguns and more.
Order 2001 №53 / 213
Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 21.03.2001 №53 / 213"On Approval of Licensing Conditions for Economic Activity in Production, Repair of Firearms and Ammunition, Cold Weapons..
Order 1998 № 622
Затверджено &nb..
Care, Cleaning and Lubrication of Air Rifles
• Periodic lubrication will help you increase the longevity of your rifle. Lubrication is required if: • the shot was not fired for a long time. &..
Safety Measures & Warnings
• This air gun will shoot if cocked, loaded, safety disengaged and trigger pulled.• Air guns are not toys. Never let young children use an air gun unsupervised. Adult supervision is strictlyrequired d..
Shooting precipitation
Light to moderate rain improves shooting conditions for three reasons: clouds, rain reduce or negate the effect of the mirage. Rain can be a pretty good indicator of wind, rain helps you defeat your o..
Explanatory Dictionary of Pneumatics
.177 - калибр, соответствующий 4,5мм..20 - калибр, соответствующий 5,0мм..22 - калибр, соответствующий 5,5мм..25 - калибр, соответствующий 6,35мм..35 - калибр, соответствующий..
Parallax is a phenomenon found when observing the surrounding space, which consists in a visible change in the position of some fixed objects relative to others located at different distances from eac..
Ballistics of pneumatic weapons
At one time, a cowboy philosopher expressed the "wise" idea that the shortest distance between him and the target is a bullet. He was probably thinking of an imaginary straight line connecting th..
Optics selection and sighting
Optics selection and sightingQuite a lot has been written about optical sights, so I see no reason to dwell on their device in detail again. We will talk about the problems that you will have to face ..
Ballistic pendulum
Ballistic pendulumMeasuring the speed of a bullet with a pendulum is available and serious.Probably, before any owner of pneumatic weapons the question arises - what is the real power of his pistol, r..
How does the wind affect shooting
How the weather affects shooting is known, in all likelihood, even less than the influence of other factors. There are many different considerations and theories as to how best to shoot in the wind an..
How does the wind affect shooting
How the weather affects shooting is known, in all likelihood, even less than the influence of other factors. There are many different considerations and theories as to how best to shoot in the wind an..